Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Flex DataGrid LookupColumn

Update- 10/27/2008 3:27 pm
Updated the LookupColumn control to search for items via a hash array. The old code would loop through the source for each item witch would make the computation do R*N checks not a has array is created so that only R check's are needed. This makes a big difference is there area are large number rows or lookup items.

I highly recommend updating to this code to make renders run faster.

Here is another useful Flex component. This is a DataGridColumn that can be used to do simple lookups from another source when the DataGrid is rendered. You can use it to full data from a second source without having to first merge the data of write custom label functions.

Here is a simple example:

private const myGroups:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
[{groupid: 1, name: "Admin"},
{groupid: 2, name: "User"},
{groupid: 3, name: "Guest"}]);

<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{}">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="User Name" dataField="username"/>
<LookupColumn headerText="Group" dataField="groupid" labelField="name" source="{myGroups}"/>

package hines
import flash.events.Event;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;

[Exclude(name="dataTipField", kind="property")]

* This class is a custom DataGridColumn taht will look up each item in another array and fill in a field from the found item in its place.
* Example:
* private const myGroups:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
* [{groupid: 1, name: "Admin"},
* {groupid: 2, name: "User"},
* {groupid: 3, name: "Guest"}]);
* <hines:LookupColumn headerText="Group" dataField="groupid" labelField="groupname" source="{myGroups}"/>
* This will cause and rows with a groupid of 1 to render as "Admin" and so on.
* This will also work with a xml source and the lookupField can be used if the field names differ.
* <hines:LookupColumn headerText="Users Group" dataField="usersgroupid" lookupField="groupid" labelField="groupname" source="{myGroups}"/>
* @author jpyne
public class LookupColumn extends DataGridColumn
public function LookupColumn(columnName:String=null)

// Set up the internal lableFunction.
labelFunction = LookupColumn.doLookup;

// labelField

private var _labelField:String;

* Field to display in the destination record. If this is not set it will default to "label".
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="")]
public function get labelField():String
return _labelField ? _labelField : "label";

* @private
public function set labelField(value:String):void
_labelField = value;

dispatchEvent(new Event("labelFieldChanged"));

// lookupField

private var _lookupField:String;

* Field to search for in the source ArrayCollection. If unset then datafield will be used.
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="")]
public function get lookupField():String
return _lookupField ? _lookupField : dataField;

* @private
public function set lookupField(value:String):void
_lookupField = value;


dispatchEvent(new Event("lookupFieldChanged"));

// source

private var _source:ArrayCollection;

* Field to display in the destination record. If this is not set it will default to "label".
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="")]
public function get source():ArrayCollection
return _source;

* @private
public function set source(value:ArrayCollection):void
_source = value;


dispatchEvent(new Event("sourceChanged"));

// hashSource

private var _hashSource:Object;

public function get hashSource():Object
return _hashSource;

private function prepSource():void
_hashSource = new Object();

for each (var item:Object in source)
_hashSource[item[lookupField]] = item;

* Override the dataTipFiled and change it to the dataField as that will be hidden.
override public function get dataTipField():String
return dataField;

* Look for a item in a source and display its labelField. This is an internal method and will be called for each item in teh DataGrid.
* @param row
* @param control
* @return
static private function doLookup(row:Object, control:LookupColumn):String
if(control.hashSource && control.hashSource[row[control.dataField]])
return control.hashSource[row[control.dataField]][control.labelField];

// If no match was found, just return the original value.
return row[control.dataField];

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